Sunday, July 20, 2008


i've got a lot of things to do. it's a pretty long list, so i wont bore you with it. lots of activities, commitments and i haven't started on anything yet. it keeps bothering me, like a fly buzzing above my head. when i look at the calendar, it's like ticking away closer to the deadlines. and it doesn't help that i'm a great procrastinator; doing things only until the last minute. i think i should have a microchip or something installed in my head. something that'd activate pain receptors whenever i go idle. that way, if i decide to dive to the couch for a nap, i'll yelp in pain and start writing scripts for our indie film assignment. or i could down an entire bottle of Cobra energy drink and be hyper the rest of the day like Daffy Duck on espresso. honestly, i don't like lazy people, cause laziness can be quite contagious. probably why i hate myself. no, i'm not being 'emo' (i hate that term, by the way. or rather, the overuse of it by a lot of people), there's just a lot of things i don't like about me, and things i hope i could change.

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